Expert media

Social Media

Why invest in Social Media in 2024?

  1. Wide range: By being present on Social Media, you increase your reach and have the opportunity to reach and involve many people in your brand, brand or company and to attract more visitors to your new website.

  2. Direct communication with your target group: Social Media allows you to connect and communicate directly with your audience. You can quickly respond to questions, comments and feedback, which allows you to build a strong relationship with your customers.
    Attention, we do not offer Community Management), but we can help you with the right tools to optimally receive the (many) messages.
  3. Increasing brand awareness: Social Media is a powerful tool to increase your brand awareness. By being present on Social Media and sharing content, you can give your brand, brand, product, service or company more visibility.

  4. Driving traffic to your website: By applying the right strategies and sharing valuable content, you can generate more traffic to your website via Social Media. This can lead to more leads, customers and sales.

  5. Competitive advantage: In 2024, Social Media will still play an important role in marketing strategies. By investing in it now, you can gain an advantage over your competitors who are not active on Social Media or are lagging behind in terms of strategy and content creation.

In short, Investing in Social Media in 2024 is essential to promote your new website, grow your brand, increase your audience engagement and stay ahead of your competition. With a well-thought-out Social Media strategy and an effective plan, you can achieve the desired results and make your business flourish.

The Expertmedia Team

Step-by-step plan

01. Intake interview to determine your target group

Before you start working on setting up a Social Media strategy, it is important that we work together your target group and objectives identify.

Who do you want to reach and what do you hope to achieve with your Social Media efforts? By clarifying this after an initial intake interview, we can create targeted content for you and choose the right channels.

02. Research

Not all social media channels are suitable for your company or your brand or your target audience. We investigate for you which channels are the most popular with your brand, brand or company, and which best match your objectives.

We do our research on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), TikTok, etc. By advising you on the right channel, we increase the chance of success and effective communication with your target group.

03. Content Creation & Publishing

Simply being present on Social Media is not enough. You need to have or create visually appealing and valuable content to attract the attention of your target audience and to stimulate engagement.

Together with our Copywriter and Content Creator we ensure that your content is informative, relevant and engaging. This can consist of text, images, videos, infographics, etc. By providing valuable content, you increase the chance that people will follow you, share your posts and feel involved with your brand or company.

Once the content is ready, we will schedule it on the chosen Social Media channels with the necessary frequency. Everything tailored to your wishes and your budget!

04. Analysis

It is essential to monitor and analyze your Social Media activities to see what works and what doesn't. We use various Social Media analytics tools to track statistics such as the reach of your posts, the number of likes and shares, the number of followers and engagement. Based on this, we can adjust and optimize the chosen strategy after 3 or 6 months to achieve the desired results.

05. Stay informed of trends and developments

Social Media is constantly evolving and changing rapidly. It is important to stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the Social Media world. This is a time-consuming job for you, so why not outsource it to someone who does this daily?

Our Social Media Expert reads the necessary blogs, follows numerous influencers, and goes to numerous webinars and conferences.
By means of up-to-date to stay, she can propose new innovative and effective strategies to boost your Social Media!

Good service on a realistic budget

Started in 2000 as a one-man business and has since grown into a dynamic team of driven people with a passion for marketing, communication and technology.
We would like to sit down with you to think constructively about the best solution for our common challenge: to make the appearance of your product or service the success it deserves. Not only on a graphic & functional level but also with the right attention to timing and budget.

Erwin De Troch
0477 55 06 83

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Step 1: Intake

During an extensive conversation we listen to your needs and constructively search for the best solution.